Grand Theft Auto Vice City Game Download Vice City Multi-player Never play Vice City lonely!

Vice City Multi-player Never play Vice City lonely!

Vice City Multi-player vcmp 0.3 tutorial

Introduction to Vice City Multi-player

VCMP is abbreviated as VCMP, and its full name is Vice City Multi-player, which is produced by a foreign unofficial team.

Through this online tool, players all over the world can play online games in Vice City.

At present, the latest version of this online software is vcmp0.4. Let’s start with the vcmp0.3 tutorial.

The following is the online tutorial of vcmp 0.3r2:

Preparations before going in Vice City


(Recommended to download this) Vice City Online Game Pack Download

Introduction to Vice City Multi-player

1. Implant a swimming patch, you can’t drown, you can shoot while jumping in the water
2. Implant mobile shooting patch, all weapons support shooting while running
3. Implant sky, sea water high-definition image quality patch, ground reflection patch + ENB light and shadow patch
4. Implant widescreen correction patch to adjust screen adaptability
5. Implant the car exhaust spark patch for better effect
6. Implant the bullet shooting light and shadow patch, you can judge the direction of the opponent’s cold gun
7. Implant the car invincible patch, the car will not crash
8. Implant the car nitrogen patch, press and hold the N key on the keyboard, and the car will start nitrogen acceleration
9. Implant the motorcycle stunt ramp patch, press and hold the Shift key on the right side of the keyboard, a platform will appear in front of the motorcycle, which is convenient for speed stunts
10. Implant an infinite patch of bullets, the bullets can’t finish
11. Implant the vehicle correction patch, and press the X button to restore the parking space when the vehicle rolls over
12. Implant a mobile viewing angle patch, and press F10 to adjust the viewing angle effect when you get in the car
13. The built-in motorcycle in the server does not fall, suitable for drag racing
14. There is a game screenshot tool in the game folder. For my own use, press the Print button to take screenshots. I need to set up the folder for saving screenshots in advance.
15. Can’t remember,,,, experience it by yourself. .


Online tool usage tutorial

Download the link machine, install the link machine file to the evil city game directory

Open the main program of the online machine

Click Tools-Settings-Enter the game name & select the game directory folder

Add server IP:

Click connect to enter the server

In the selection interface, select left and right characters, click the mouse to start the game

You can enter the observation mode by pressing the TAB button before resurrection without being born.

Arrow keys left and right to select the player state to observe

Direction key up and down to switch the angle of view (near big, far small)

Press V or G to switch the viewing angle

You can press A (west), D (east), S (south), W (north), Q (down), E (up), SHIET and other keys to control and adjust the angle of view

Press the space key to switch the free view mode

Press TAB again to exit the observation mode

Introduction to Basic Buttons of Vice City Multi-player

F4 key: hide or show the name of the game and its health and armor information on other players
F5 key: View the team number of the server player and its delay (ping value)
F6 key: View server-related network statistics
F7 key: hide or change the content of the chat dialog box
F8 key: screenshot of the game (after the screenshot is saved in your game directory)
F11 key: Set whether the game map radar displays small icons of server vehicle items
F12 key: hide or change the size of the game map radar
In the selection interface, you can enter the observation mode by pressing the TAB key before resurrection without being born.
Arrow keys ← and → to select the player to observe
Arrow keys ↑ and ↓ to select zoom in (near large, far small)
Press V or C to switch the viewing angle
You can press A (west), D (east), S (south), W (north), Q (down), E (up), SHIFT, etc. to control and adjust the viewing angle
Press the space bar to switch the free view mode
Press TAB again to exit the observation mode
/kill suicide
/q Quit the game
~ Key or T key: Press ~ key (the key on TAB) or T in the server to type and speak.
Enter key Enter or F key: press Enter or F in the server to get in the car
TAB key: Press the TAB key in the server to get on someone else’s car

Vice City Multi-player (VCMP) Action Instructions

(Collected by gujianlongju)
/sit Slowly sit down
/stand The action of standing up
/aim squat down and aim with the gun
/handsup The act of raising hands and surrendering
/look looking around
/buy Actions when buying things and talking
/sell The act of selling something
/wave wave motion
/fall Action when falling
/q(/quit) Quit the game
/msg Player ID [Content] Chat privately with someone
/me [Content] Make a public broadcast (the font is yellow, visible to all players)
[Content] Team broadcast (the font is red, only your teammates can see it)
/kill suicide
/spike (The premise is that the server must have this command, and the ground spikes released can puncture the tires of the vehicle)
/do 2 Put your hands behind you, then look around
/do 3 look around
/do 8 Put your hands behind you, then scratch your head
/do 9 hit the back movement
/do 10 Rotate in a circle
/do 11 Move forward a small step, then scratch your head
/do 12 The action of bowing forward
/do 13 put your hands behind you
/do 14 Squat down and aim with a gun
/do 15 The action when you are scared, a bit like dancing
/do 16 wave motion
/do 17 Raise your hand to surrender
/do 18 The action when someone is scared is a bit like dancing
/do 19 Flick your hands in front of you
/do 20 Bow forward motion
/do 21 Slowly sit down
/do 23 When tired, sit down and rest
/do 24 The action of sitting down immediately
/do 25 Actions when shopping and talking
/do 30 Action when falling
/do 31 Crossed hands
/do 33 The action of kicking a person
/do 35 Raise your hand to surrender

Vice City Multi-player

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